
12: Mias and Elle:Introducing Durias and Aurelius

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Elle's whole body jerked awake, and for a moment she had no idea where she was. She blinked in the darkness, turning her head to see Mias’ face just inches from hers. He lay on his stomach, one arm draped over her waist, his snores a deep hum in the back of his throat.

Elle sighed, throwing the sheets off her upper body to allow fresh air to lick her nightmare-dampened skin. Whatever had plagued her dreams had evaporated the moment she opened her eyes, and as she lay trembling in the darkness she could not remember a single detail.

I can imagine, Elle thought with a shiver. Elias.

She shoved the image of his sneering face from her mind as the pounding of her heart subsided. She was relieved that she didn’t remember her haunting dreams. After all, the reality had been bad enough.

Several months had gone by since her ordeal with Mias’ twin, yet the passing of time brought her no comfort. Knowing that Elias was out there somewhere, perhaps plotting against them, waiting for the perfect moment to strike, filled her with dread.

Elle turned onto her side to face Mias, running her finger along his strong jaw and up to the dark marks around his eyes, tracing them lightly.

I don’t have to be afraid, she told herself. Mias vowed he would never let anyone hurt me again Namely Elias.

Recalling his promise eased her anxiety somewhat as she turned from him and gently eased out from under his arm.

Elle pulled at the hem of the black shirt she wore and headed towards the bedroom door, knowing that sleep would allude her until she could shake off the after effects of the nightmare.

She crept down the hall, stopping at the half open door near the edge of the stairs.

Pushing the door open carefully Elle peeked inside. She smiled when she saw Thomas’ sleeping form curled on his side, his blankets tugged up under his chin. Glowing acrobats in vibrant greens and blues danced across the walls, illuminated by the small nightlight on his bedside table.

It warmed Elle to see Thomas so content, his little face softened in sleep. Now that she and Mias had taken guardianship of Thomas(though Mias had all but kicked and screamed at the prospect of adopting the boy), Elle couldn’t help but feel that she finally had all that she had dreamed of.

Well, not exactly what she had dreamed of--a lascivious magician had not been at the front of her mind when she imagined her happily ever after.

But she would take it, insane and wonderful as it was, because she was happy.

Thomas shifted in his bed, flopping onto his back, and Elle smiled. “Love you sweetheart,“ she whispered before closing the door soundlessly. She headed down the stairs, suppressing a yawn on the back of her hand as she stepped into the dimly lit foyer and turned towards the kitchen.

Elle rounded the corner, wondering if there were any tea cakes left over from that afternoon, and screamed.

Two dark figures towered over her in the shadows. She backed away until her hip met with the counter, her whole body humming with panic. What do I do? Is it Elias and one of his men, come to kill me?

One of the strangers snapped his fingers and the kitchen was flooded in a warm golden light.

Elle blinked as her eyes adjusted to the brightness, and the two strangers--their dark eyes--were all too familiar.

“Well, well,” the one to her right said, crossing his arms over his broad chest. “What do we have here?”

Elle glared at the stranger as he looked her up and down, and she wished she was wearing more than just Mias’ black shirt. Readying to defend herself, she snatched a rolling pin from the island in the center of the kitchen, gripping it with both hands as she eyed the two strangers.

“I think the wee little thing means to clobber us, brother,” the larger of the two said, his tone amused.

The other stranger smirked. “Whatever shall we do?”

“What the hell are you doing in my home?” Elle demanded, her voice thin.

The larger one’s eyes flashed. “Your home?”

Elle took a step back, preparing to knock the huge stranger upside the head with her weapon if she had to--although she doubted it would do little more then piss him off.

She cleared her throat, tilting her chin up. “Yes. My home.”

“Most interesting.“ The other stranger chuckled, shaking his head. “We have been away far too long, brother. Mias has been busy.”

Elle froze at the mention of Mias’ name, her grip loosening on the rolling pin. Her shoulders relaxed as she studied their eyes, so similar to Mias‘.

“Elle!” Mias burst into the room in only his trousers, his hair tousled and his eyes bloodshot.

His chest heaved as he looked from her to the two strangers and back again.

“Friends of yours?” Elle asked, pointing the rolling pin casually in their direction before setting it within reach on the counter.

Mias blinked, and there was no mistaking the surprise on his face as he looked over the two strangers.

“Good evening, Mias,” the largest stranger rumbled, tilting his head forward in greeting.

The one to the right with the cocky grin and deep chuckle was eyeing Elle’s bare legs with appreciation. Mias glared at him, stepping in front of Elle as if to hide her from the strangers perusal.

“It has been a long time, Durias,” Mias nodded to the large one with the wicked scars on his face. Mias then turned his attention towards the smirking hearthrob. “Aurelius. What are you two doing here?”

Durias stepped forward, crossing his arms over his wide chest. “Last I checked, little brother, this was still our home.”

“And now that we have seen your lovely little houseguest, I’m sure we will be here far more often,” Aurelius waggled his eyebrows at her, and Elle smirked. She found his obvious flirting amusing at best, but Mias didn’t seem to appreciate the humor of it--not even a little bit.

“Careful brother,” Mias warned, taking a step forward.

“What?” Aurelius shrugged innocently. “Am I supposed to ignore the ravishing beauty in the room? Come out from behind my broody little brother, sweet. Let me have a better look at you.”

Mias growled, his hands fists at his sides.

Elle grabbed his arm, giving it a little shake. “Alright guys, that’s enough. Let’s put the measuring tapes away.”

They both seemed confused by her words, and she sighed. Since her arrival in their realm her funniest material had been wasted on those who had no idea what she was talking about. At least Abernos had the decency to laugh at her quips, even if most of what she said went right over his head.

“It‘s nice to meet you both,” she said, hoping to rid the room of the tension that was slowly building. “I’m Elle.“

She offered her hand first to Durias, his large scarred hand swallowing her small pale one. The sleeves of his black shirt were rolled up to the elbow, and she saw that scars marred his muscled forearms. He was armed to the teeth, she noticed, with a broad sword at his waist and throwing knives tucked neatly into a leather strap that went across his chest. His dark hair fell to his shoulders, and his skin was dark and rugged, as though he spent much of his time in the sun.

Where Durias was rough and intimidating, Aurelius was all smooth charm and sexy smirks. His jet black hair hung over his shoulder in a loose ponytail, and it was threaded through with shimmering strands of silver. His clothes were far more regal than those of his brothers, the vest he wore over his charcoal shirt stitched with intricate designs in varying shades of green.

When Elle offered her hand to Aurelius he took it gently, kissing the top of it lightly while looking at her from beneath his dark lashes before his eyes went to Mias.

He seems to love getting a rise out of his brother, doesn’t he? “Do you want Mias to kill you?” Elle hissed, tugging her hand free of his grip.

He chuckled when she turned from him, and her heart skipped when she saw Mias’ jaw working, his eyes furious as he looked at her. As if she had done something wrong.

“Don’t give me that look, Mias,” Elle said. “You’re the one who failed to mention that you have more brothers. Do I need to be worried about another kidnapping?”

“Kidnapping?” Aurelius chimed in, sounding amused.

“Yes,” Elle turned, crossing her arms. “Mias kidnapped me and brought me here, and then  his--your brother Elias kidnapped me and held me hostage on board his ship.”

“My-my,” Aurelius grinned looking her up and down. “I would love to find out what it is about you that has my baby brothers tripping over themselves to possess you, sweet.”

Elle smirked at Aurelius, obviously the type of guy who was used to getting what he wanted thanks to his good looks and charm. “Does that usually work with the ladies?” Elle asked Durius.

Durius shrugged, his face serious. Does this man ever smile?

“Only with the young ladies who have no head on their shoulders,” Aurelius drawled, and Elle rolled her eyes with a laugh. “I want to know more about this kidnapping. Is Elias still a threat?”

Elle turned serious at the mention of his name, and shivered. Mias slipped his hand into hers, bringing it to his lips and giving it a gentle squeeze.

“He disappeared moments after I rescued Elle from him,” Mias said, and Elle knew that he was furious that he let him get away. “We haven’t seen nor heard anything of him since then. He would have to be a damn fool to try anything.”

Aurelius smirked. “Elias isn’t exactly known for his level-headedness. I believe he’s more then foolish--I think he’s mad.”

“That’s an understatement,” Elle muttered.

Durias rolled his shoulders, his dark eyes meeting each of theirs in turn. “Do not underestimate him. Mad or not, he is dangerous. He values pain and misery above all. He takes pride in terrorizing those he sees as lesser then himself. He’s sick, and death is the only cure for what ails him.”

A heaviness settled over the room, and everyone went quiet. Elle sensed that something had happened between Elias and Durias, something horrible, but she didn’t have the guts to ask any questions of the giant standing in the middle of the kitchen.

“Leave it to big brother to lighten the mood,” Aurelius said dryly, while Durias continued to glare at the floor.

“Do you suppose he will come back?” Elle whispered, her arms going around her waist.

Mias pulled her into his arms and she pressed her face against his shirt, breathing him in. “You’re safe here, sweetness. He will never hurt you again.”

Elle nodded pulling away slightly as Mias turned to Durias, glaring. “Are you happy now, brother? You’ve frightened her.”

“Don’t be angry with your brother, Mias.“ Brother.

Elle grew irritated when she realized that Mias had been keeping things from her. Failing to mention anything of his family--about his brothers--was hurtful. If he thought it was alright to hide things about his family from her, what else might he be hiding?

Especially after what happened with Elias. Perhaps his brothers aren’t a threat, but still!

The more she thought about it the angrier she became.    

She pushed at Mias’ chest, freeing herself from his strong arms. “Why do you feel it’s alright to keep things from me?”

Mias’ lips parted, and he seemed genuinely surprised by her anger. She was suddenly furious--which was fine with her. She would take pissed off over frightened any day.

“What?” Mias asked, tilting his head.

“I have been here with you for months, yet you failed to mention that you have not one, but three brothers? Is there anything else you failed to mention?”

Mias cleared his throat and glanced at his brothers, embarrassed. “Actually, I have seven brothers,” Mias offered sheepishly.

“Sev--” Elle crossed her arms ignoring the amused chuckle that came from Aurelius and the indifferent scowl that etched Durius’ face.

“You know practically everything about me,” Elle said through gritted teeth. “My favorite movie, favorite song, hell, even my favorite color of nail polish!”

That last bit made both of his brothers chuckle, but Elle didn’t stop there, even as anger and embarrassment colored Mias‘ cheeks. “I want to know everything about you, but you are so damn secretive, Mias. And the fact that I didn’t even know about your brothers--that is just the icing on the cake.”

“I didn’t think it was important…I mean…it didn’t seem…” Mias cleared his throat, obviously at a loss as he scrubbed a hand across the back of his neck.

“You didn’t think it was important to tell the woman that your living with,” she lowered her voice, “…the woman that your sleeping with that you have family that might drop by on occasion?”

Elle shook her head, disappointed in him. Knowing about her boyfriend’s family was the kind of stuff that got covered on the first date. Hey sweetness, I’m Mias. I have seven brothers and a huge mansion in a mystical land, oh and I’m a Leo. How hard could that be?

It hurt that he didn’t think she was important enough to share such simple facts with, and she was embarrassed and humiliated that she was having this conversation with him in front of his brothers whom she was meeting for the first time.

The kitchen was silent for several moments, and when she peered at Mias he was frowning down at her, but he didn’t say a word.

Of course he’s not going to apologize or say anything that will make him look weak--gotta save face in front of his big brothers!

Aurelius had a crooked grin on his face as he watched the scene unfold, while Durias shifted from one foot to the other, clearly uncomfortable.

“I’m tired.” Too irritated and pissed off to look at any of them, Elle turned and stomped out of the kitchen. “Have an awesome family reunion,” she added sarcastically over her shoulder.  

She dared Mias to follow her, because she had a few choice words for the emotionally-stunted jerk.


Aurelius stared at the doorway that Elle had disappeared through for several moments. She was obviously furious, and he was more then a little relieved that he would not have to face the little beauty’s wrath.

“You certainly have your hands full with that one, brother,” he laughed, wiping at the corner of his eye. “But I am worried for your safety. The little minx has it in for you.”

Mias shot him a withering glare. “Things were going so well, she was settling in and learning the ways of our realm. I didn’t want to overwhelm her with more information.”

Aurelius crossed his arms with a smirk. “How do you like that, Durius? Mias thinks we are nothing but ‘more information.’”

“That’s not what I meant,” Mias grated, pulling a bottle and three glasses from a cabinet on the far wall. “You don’t know what she’s been through. What Elias put her through--what I put her through. She has a tough exterior, but she still wakes at night screaming that Elias has found her.”

Aurelius watched his young brother and the emotion that played across his face. He had never seen him react so strongly to a female. He himself had only indulged in the company of women to satisfy his physical needs, and his prowess and wealth made his conquests more then happy to oblige. But it never went beyond that, and he had no problem keeping it that way.

“Tell us what the bastard did,” Durias breathed, his hand going unconsciously to the hilt of his sword, as though he could somehow reach across space and time and rend his brother in two.

Durias had his own issues with Elias--they all did. But their quiet older brother refused to speak of what happened to him.. All Aurelius knew was that it involved a woman who, along with Elias, had betrayed Durias.

Mias poured two fingers in each glass and handed one to each of his brothers. “I wasn’t here when Elias took her,” Mias began, throwing back his drink and pouring another.

Aurelius didn’t care much for the bite of the liquor that his brothers favored, but he sipped it anyway as he listened to Mias’ story.

Mias told them how Elias had snuck into the castle and taken Elle, then stolen away into the night like a coward, the innocent woman in tow. He took to sea with Elle, tormenting and terrorizing her on the journey to the island of Tearny, his plan being to force her into marriage.

Aurelius was amazed to hear that his twisted young brother had not assaulted her, but that of course did not redeem him. They knew Elias and his sick aversions well, and there was no doubt in Aurelius’ mind that his brother enjoyed tormenting his prey before striking.

What could have happened to my young brother to twist him into such a sick fiend?

“I can’t believe I let him get away,” Mias said grimly before throwing back another drink. “After everything that he put her through, I should have made sure--”

“You did what you had to, brother,” Aurelius assured him. “Saving her from him was all that mattered.”

“She fears that he will return for her,” Mias said, his voice low, angry. “She tries to hide her fear from me, but I can sense it. She’s strong, and would never want anyone to know of such a weakness--and all I want to do is protect her from the darkness that clouds her eyes--”

“You’re in love with her,” Durias rumbled. Both of his brothers looked at him, startled by his words.

Mias nodded slowly, his dark gaze unwavering as he looked between his brothers. “She is all that matters to me. I cannot imagine my life without her in it.”

Durias scowled, his jaw clenched. He slammed his glass on the counter and stalked from the room, his knuckles white where he still held the hilt of his blade.

Aurelius sighed. “Think he’ll ever tell us what happened to him that year?”

Mias shook his head, his lips a grim line. “Maybe when hell freezes over.”

Aurelius quirked a brow, and Mias shrugged. “It’s something Elle has said to me on more then one occasion. Basically means it’s never going to happen.”

“Where did you find such a charming little maiden, anyway?” Aurelius laughed. “I can’t imagine any of the ladies here being foolish enough to stand up to Mias Laurent.”

“I saw her…well, I took her from…“Mias cleared his throat, running a finger around the rim of his glass. “…from…England.”

Aurelius frowned at the strange, unfamiliar name. He knew the names of most of the cities and counties in the land, and he was certain that one such as England, which sounded peculiar to his ears, would not be a name he forgot.


“Brother,” Aurelius said flatly, stilling Mias’ hand on the glass. “Tell me you didn’t take her from another realm.”

Mias puffed his chest up defensively. “That’s my business.”

Aurelius eyed him for a moment, and couldn‘t help but laugh. “You‘re mad,” he took a sip of his bitter drink, shaking his head. “I know we Laurent men are known for taking what we want and damn the consequences, but if the Council of Seven finds out about this, we are all royally screwed.”

Aurelius could just imagine standing before the seven white haired council members, trying to explain why his brother had ripped a hole between realms and pulled an innocent through.

The Seven would no doubt listen to his argument with unsympathetic detachment, their hands tucked neatly in the sleeves of their robes. Mias would, of course, get off with a warning--the Laurent’s were the wealthiest and most powerful of all the families, and so their indiscretions could often be overlooked.

The young lady, however, would certainly be sent back to her own realm, her memory wiped clean and all recollection of her time with Mias gone forever.

“They aren’t going to find out,” Mias grated, his nostrils flared. “I have no intention of going back to that world, nor does Elle.”

“And your little minx is alright with that?”

Mias pinched the bridge of his nose, and Aurelius chuckled. Even though his brother was no doubt in for an earful when he dared seek out his little Elle, Aurelius couldn’t help the sting of jealousy that settled in his chest.
True, he was glad to see his brother settling down with the woman he loved, but that didn’t mean that Aurelius didn’t want something akin to that for himself--or at the very least a roll in the hay with a lovely young female from another realm.

As a plan began forming in his mind he couldn’t stop a sly grin from slipping across his face.

“Are all the young ladies in this England you spoke of so enchanting and….rousing?”

“Oh no,“ Mias cast him a warning glare. “Do not even think it.”  

“What?” Aurelius asked, raising his hands innocently. “Is it so wrong that I should want the same happiness that you so obviously have now?”

Mias rolled his eyes and Aurelius chuckled, crossing his arms. Soon Mias joined him, shaking his head.

“It is good to see you doing so well, brother,” Aurelius said once their laughter has subsided. “Truly.”

Mias cursed under his breath and punched Aurelius in the shoulder, clearly embarrassed. But Aurelius only grinned. It felt good that after so much time apart they could slip so easily back into their roles, as if they hadn’t been apart for so long. It was good to be home.

“I suppose I should go and talk to Elle,” Mias grumbled after a few moments, raking a hand through his hair.

“I don’t envy you that conversation, brother,” Aurelius said with a devilish grin. “But I do envy you the making up…over and over again.”

Mias swore, making like he was going to punch his brother, but he laughed the whole time.

“Your rooms are still as you left them,” Mias said as his laughter subsided. “Tell Durias that his are the same as well.”

“Yes, yes,” Aurelius said, shoving his brother towards the door. “We can find our way around just fine. Now go take care of your little minx before I do it for you.”

Mias growled at that last comment, but left the room, his rumble of laughter echoing as he made his way down the hall.

“You mean to go to this England and find a willing female, don’t you?”

Aurelius turned to see Durius standing in the doorway which led into the dining room, a familiar scowl on his face.

Aurelius shrugged. “It could be fun.”

Durius responded with a grunt, shaking his head.

“Oh come now, brother,” Aurelius sighed. “We have been at war for the better part of a year. Can you blame me for wanting to go after a sweet bit of fluff?”

Durius only glared at him, his dark eyes unblinking.

Because Durius spoke little, Aurelius had become rather good at reading his expression. His current look, arms crossed and feet shoulder width apart, his brow drawn and his jaw tight was his I-am-a-stubborn-badass-and-I-will-not-have-any-fun-because-it-might-kill-me stance.

“You could come with me, you know,” Aurelius shrugged. “Maybe find a lovely young lady to help you take your mind off things for a time.”

“I have important things to attend to,” Durias muttered, though something in his eyes hinted at curiosity.

Aurelius knew what ‘important things’ his brother would be up to. He would lock himself away for months in that damn mountainside fortress of his, training and fighting along with his troops.

Now that Mias had shared Elias’ last known whereabouts on the island of Tearny, he knew that Durias would follow up on that lead and try to track his younger brother down and mete out his revenge.

He needs to get his mind off of such things--before it kills him.

“It’s only for a short while, brother,” Aurelius said, taking a step towards Durias and slapping him on the shoulder. “What have you got to lose?”

Durias shook his head with a grunt. “I suppose you will need me there to keep you out of trouble.”

Aurelius grinned wickedly.

This is going to be fun.
Okay, so I had a blast writing this! I missed writing about :iconstressedjenny:'s wonderful characters! I have been wanted to write about Mias' older brothers Durias and Aurelius ever since I stressedjenny posted :faint: and this

Please let me know what you think, and let me know of any mistakes that you notice. I try to catch them all but a few always seem to sneak past me:facepalm:

These characters do not belong to me, they come from the brilliant mind of :iconstressedjenny: :hug: Enjoy!
© 2013 - 2024 midnightfaery
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desireearies15's avatar
OMG! This sounds like the start of a SPIN-OFF SERIES!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️